Full time child care staff around Nagoya,Shizuoka Tokai-area
外国人求人 No.20863
関東 / 東京都
Full time child care staff around Nagoya,Shizuoka Tokai-area
◯We are looking for people who...◯
Love to work with children
Have a passion and enthusiasm to teach children, not only English but also manners and proper behavior
Have a great creativity in finding new ways to engage students
Are supportive in assisting other teachers' classes
Are interested in English education for younger children, aged 2-6
Minimum Salary 250,000 yen / Max salary Not specified Salary Term is monthly.
------Job Details------
Type of employment: Full Term Contract (1 year / renewable)
Function: Kinder ~ Elementary English Teacher
Industry: Education
Career level: Entry level (Previous experience advantage)
Bonus: Contract completion bonus!!!
Location: Around Tokyo in Japan.
※Important! Training Period is 4 weeks (Location is Tokyo)
After you finished training period, you will be assigned to
Tokyo,Chiba, Kanagawa, Osaka, Nagoya, Okayama or Fukuoka.
You can choose from each location in Japan.
If you live in far area from Tokyo,
★We will support your living expenses between training period in Tokyo★
(schools are open from 9:00 to 20:30)
9 hours / day (including 1 hour break) between the schools open hours.
Shift schedule (9:00 - 18:00 and 11:00 - 21:00)
5 days work a week (Sundays off plus 1 additional day a week)
National Holiday, Summer & winter holiday, paid holiday and miscellaneous holiday.
English Level: Native level (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)
Japanese Level: Not necessary
Interview: Basically 1 time.
Residence: Applicants currently residing is preferable.
Visa sponsorship: Yes (Bachelor's degree or above required appropriate Visa & work permit preferable)
Benefits: Transportation allowance, social insurance plan (health & employment insurance, pension),
uniform partially provided, comprehensive training, career opportunities.
How to apply?
Please visit our website and fill out the online application form.
There you will find more program information and any conditions that apply.
Although it takes a few moments to complete the application form, you will find it worthwhile.
Entering your information into our database streamlines the application process: https://nipponshigoto.com/resumes/new
◯We are looking for people who...◯
Love to work with children
Have a passion and enthusiasm to teach children, not only English but also manners and proper behavior
Have a great creativity in finding new ways to engage students
Are supportive in assisting other teachers' classes
Are interested in English education for younger children, aged 2-6
Send your resume with photo ⇒ I will send you the applicant information sheet ⇒ Interview will take 1 time
Visa sponsorship: Yes
(Bachelor's degree or above required appropriate Visa & work permit preferable)
Benefits: Transportation allowance, social insurance costs (health & employment insurance,pension),
uniform partially provided,
comprehensive training, career opportunities.